
Aims & objectives

Nutrastat Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Consultants attend each contract ship twice a year for IPM Audit & Training purposes.

Once on board for the first time they work with the officers & crew of our contract ships to create each ships’ individual IPM Plan.

Nutrastat are a ‘one-stop’ ship, supplying professional IPM equipment, IPM chemicals & Fly Killers worldwide, for the creation of the IPM Plan, in order that ship personnel can eradicate all insect & rodent pests to maintain a ‘zero’ pest level.


Nutrastat’s current IPM Plan meets all current worldwide IPM requirements with the supplied IPM documentation, and the IPM Consultants create the following individual ship created logs:

  • IPM Log
  • Bedbug Monitoring Log
  • Electronic Fly Killer Maintenance Label Log

The IPM Consultants also train Officers & Crew which is a Public Health requirement [USPH/VSP Item 44: IPM Knowledge 2-points]. Some IPM courses are certificated, meeting & exceeding all requirements to allow the ship to maintain the IPM Plan/Program themselves, allowing ship personnel to undertake instant responses to pest issues, with significant cost savings not having to fly a pest technician to the ship.

Within the IPM documentation there are IPM Training videos, also Nutrastat Apps for ship personnel to refresh their knowledge of the IPM equipment & IPM chemical with most pest issues, including the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Please allow Nutrastat the opportunity to make suggestions, with costs to help your company. Please contact us.